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Guide for Job Applicants

Knowing where to look for the best Job Opportunities, how to identify them, how to make the whole application and interview process more effective... all this leads to you achieving a successful career. So, find the best tips and tools to optimise your career in here.

Congratulations to the team! I am proud to be a part of this family. Thank you!

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

I really enjoy working for Multitempo. It opened doors that I never thought possible. Thank you very much, Multitempo!

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

I’m very grateful for the way I’ve been welcomed, and my issues have been handled.

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

I can only compliment them and be grateful as I have always had my questions answered and treated promptly.

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

I’m happy to be a part of this company. I hope we can continue working together in the future.

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

They are very welcoming and thoughtful putting themselves at People’s disposal to help. Thank you very much for your care.

Source: Satisfaction Report for Temp Agency Workers

Benefits Programme

We are constantly working to provide the best protocols for our workers and candidates.

Gold Health Plan

A solution to make private healthcare accessible to everyone (workers and candidates) and extend it to family members. With this plan, the 3rd and 5th holders are free and the 4th holder pays only 50%. Are you interested?